Kate Faragher

Kate Faragher

  • Conversations that create a positive culture
  • Managing Director

People are at the heart of the business, and how they communicate creates the culture. This session explores how we have difficult conversations that create cultures of innovation and positive change by learning from each other. Learning is not about PowerPoint or statistics.

Deep learning is about connection: sharing our failures, exploring our lived business experiences, and building trust. To do this, we need to build self-awareness and the ability to listen beyond our bias, question empathically, speak mindfully and present openly.

As a communication expert, I teach on topics and the intersection of topics, e.g., questioning skills, presentation skills, writing messages and narratives that have an impact, unconscious bias, diversity and inclusion, Assertiveness, influence & negotiation – how they intersect.

I’m particularly interested in the use of dialogue as a way to hold opposing ideas in the same space (i do this across the world in the political environment). I also discuss empathy and the power of holding a safe space for difficult conversations.



All Sessions by Kate Faragher

Day 3 - Leadership 10/21/2022 3:00 pm
Day 2 - Self-Awareness 10/20/2022 3:00 pm
Day 1 - Business 10/19/2022 2:00 pm