Roddy M.  Herbert

Roddy M. Herbert

  • How Government, Academia and Businesses can help to minimise the prevalence of mental wellness issues in our young people.
  • Chief Executive Officer

Children and young people’s mental health is an issue that affects all of society. 75% of mental illness (excluding dementia) starts before the age 18. In 2020 the NHS reported that one in six children and young people had a probable mental health disorder in England alone.

The costs associated with such human suffering and the loss of potential for this generation need more than just supportive reactionary measures.

To be clear, it’s not just the costs associated with human suffering that needs addressing but future economies also depend on an emerging talent pool that is free from mental wellness issues.

This session proposes a proactive role that Government, Academia, and Businesses can play in minimising the prevalence of mental wellness issues in our young people. Social capital attributes must be encouraged, such as resilience to pressure and an innovative mindset. The Future of Work depends on it.

All Sessions by Roddy M. Herbert

Day 3 - Leadership 10/21/2022 3:00 pm
Day 2 - Self-Awareness 10/20/2022 3:00 pm
Day 1 - Business 10/19/2022 2:00 pm