Daniel Hammond

Daniel Hammond

  • Customer Driven Leadership
  • Managing Partner

Daniel’s Superpower is helping others identify and quantify their “unknown, unknowns;” including helping to form strategies to positively action them.

Customer Driven Leadership (CDL) is servant leadership, entrepreneurial problem-solving, and a people-empowering organizational model that optimizes how you deliver excellence to your clients in all the ways that really matter to them.

CDL was created by Dr. Ted Anders (also a Partner and Co-Founder of CDL LLC) and has a 25+ year history of delivering new capabilities and collaborations to organizations that have invested in transforming the excellence of their people and their teams.

CDL LLC helps you leverage CDL principles to transform your organization and grow it in the right direction by leveraging your vision and values and empowering your people to solve problems along the way.

All Sessions by Daniel Hammond

Day 3 - Leadership 10/21/2022 3:00 pm
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Customer Driven Leadership

Day 2 - Self-Awareness 10/20/2022 3:00 pm
Day 1 - Business 10/19/2022 2:00 pm